Elevate Desktop Application: Voicemail Settings


Elevate Users can manage the following Voicemail settings using Elevate Desktop Application:

To adjust Voicemail Settings log into Elevate Desktop Application > click on Profile > Voicemail Settings tab. The following page will open:




Change a PIN for Voicemail box

Type in the PIN into the Voicemail PIN field and click Save Changes.



Note: The user must have the PIN.




4-10 digits are required.




Listen to the current Voicemail greeting

Press the Play button to listen to the current Voicemail greeting.




Record a custom greeting 

To record a custom greeting:

  1. Click the microphone button;


  2. The pop-up window with step-by-step instruction (script) will open;
  3. Use Click here to call your voicemail box to initiate a call from Elevate Desktop App;
  4. Click the Dialpad button to open Elevate Desktop Application Dialpad;


  5. Follow script/voice prompts and enter PIN/Commands using a Dialpad;


  6. Once the greeting is recorded and saved, click the End Call button in Elevate Desktop Application;
  7. Click Got It or Close buttons to close the pop-up window.


Note: In case User doesn't see the custom greeting after it was recorded - click any tab on the Elevate Desktop Application > choose the Voicemail Settings tab again.

To listen to the new custom greeting click the Play button.




To restore the default greeting:

  1. Click the Restore default greeting button;


  2. The pop-up window with Cancel and Restore options will open;
  3. Click Restore.



Enable/disable voicemails transcription

Check/uncheck the Create transcription for voicemails to enable/disable this feature and click Save Changes.



Manage email notifications for Voicemails

Check/uncheck the Notify me about new voicemails via email to enable/disable this feature.

To enable email notifications for Voicemail:

    1. Tick the checkbox for Notify me about new voicemails via email;
    2. The new field for an email address and a checkbox for Attach voicemail will appear;
    3. Enter an e-mail address you would like to receive notifications to.
      Note: At least 1 email is required. No more than 10 emails can be added.
    4. Check/uncheck the Attach voicemail to receive/do not receive an audio file with the Voicemail attached;
    5. Save Changes.



Note: To download the User's Voicemail greeting log in to My Services

Read the Knowledge Base article on How Do I View or Change My Personal Phone Settings? for more information.


You also can adjust Voicemail settings using Elevate Mobile App.

Read the Knowledge Base article on Elevate Mobile App: Voicemail Settings for more information.

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